Monday, February 15, 2010


Why??Why is asking questions something wrong??Is it a sin??Is there any law that states that a person can not ask questions??I strongly doubt that. Asking questions is my nature. Can you try and make someone who does not usually talk often become talkative???No!!It is their nature to do what they are meant to do, and it is mine to ask!!

Problem is, a certain teacher makes it look like a crime for asking questions. Is she scared she wouldn't know the answer to my question or what???She even gets confused when she is teaching and then blames it on the whole class although we did not say a word. I suggests she should go back and study starting from kinder garden then come and teach us instead of blaming everything on us!!

I don't give a damn to what she says. What can you do??Report me??Come on, even an idiot knows she can't. I will go on with my principles of learning which consists of asking whatever and whenever i don't understand, and let's see what you can do to me then


  1. wa...who is it..? so kns ...
    our tian cai wan ask thing then he/she scared ma....mayeb he/she so scared dunno the answer u ask then he/she will shy...haha..

  2. not tian cai lar...haha...dunno la....and that stupid teacher even get confused herself la when she is teaching, then say our class de fault....

  3. zubaidah lar....hate her lo....she dunno how to teach still come teach....zzz...

  4. She sounds like my biology who simply supress the fundamental right of student to ask question. Stupid la, ignore her. such teacher's IQ r probably low n they tend to be afraid that they might not noe how to answer if their students ask too much.
